More than exercise.

My commitment to you is a safe place to shift into harmony with what is. Come! Explore, let go of what’s not working for you and develop the skills that ignite your Joy.

Hi. I’m heatherAnn.

  • Kind and compassionate I bring a sense of humour and a practical command of knowledge to my work as a coach, movement educator and healing facilitator. I offer a safe holistic multidisciplinary approach to building strength and resilience.

  • I’m all about building on the basics. Restoring, developing and practicing natural movement is a core strategy in my coaching. These include the full range of movements the human body has always needed for survival.

  • It’s called many things but in my exuberance I cannot help but draw parallels between the effects of a healthy movement and those of releasing pain and fear. I work remotely with your natural energetic system to gently identifyInterventions and Treatments and release patterns that are keeping you from your joy.

    Learn more about Biofield Therapy or, see Interventions and Treatments

  • Current:

    American College of Sports Medicine®, Certified Personal Trainer

    Yoga Alliance, E-RYT200®, RYT-500®

    Healing Touch (HTP), Level 3


    Nutritious Movement®
    Certified Personal Trainer, Restorative Exercise Specialist (RES)

    MovNat® Certified Trainer
    (MCT), Level 1

    BioForce® Certified
    Conditioning Coach

    Crossfit®, Level 1 Trainer


    2008 3rd Place, Women’s Heavyweight Provincial Bodybuilding Champion

    2007 Overall, Women’s Heavyweight Regional Bodybuilding Champion

My coaching.

It’s not a straight line.

Your body is the shape

of how you move most.

- Katy Bowman

I believe that fitness isn’t often the singular missing piece in your life; losing ten pounds isn’t the thing that is keeping you from your joy. Developing a healthy movement lifestyle isn’t about fit people and unfit people. A body, in many ways is simply a reflection of its use; we are shaped by our culture, beliefs, work, habits & experiences. These influences shape movements of our bodies and our minds.

When your movements are not balanced, your exercises often miss their target. It’s my intention to share with you, strategies that effectively identify your unique needs and nurture your strengths.  We are not just machines for fitness and weight-loss. I believe reaching your goals is a diverse journey to be nurtured and grown with love.

Reflecting back to you, that you are whole

is the greatest gift I can give.